Colleen has been a Nurse Practitioner for over 20 years, most of her career delivering care directly to traumatically injured adult patients. She has been interested in acute pain management in traumatically injured patients since she started her career. Pain is central to the care of the traumatically injured population. Pain management continues to be challenging especially once acute pain becomes chronic pain. As part of her clinical practice, she became very interested in what biopsychosocial mechanisms modulate the transformation from acute to chronic pain. She has identified initial pain as a predictor of chronic pain after a traumatic injury and how to prevent the development of chronic pain in traumatically injured patients. Through this interest, she has developed a multidisciplinary follow up clinic for firearm injury patients. This patient population is at extreme risk for poor quality of life after injury. The clinic is a patient-centered, trauma informed place for patients to go to address all of there needs during recovery.